[重磅推荐-2016年人口经济学杂志Kuznets Prize获奖论文] Loren Brandt等:对父母不平均教育投资的补偿
注:Kuznets Prize是从2014年起,The Journal of Population Economics评选的最佳论文奖项。该奖项以1971年诺贝尔经济学奖得主Simon Kuznets(西蒙·库兹涅茨)命名。
2016年,在美国经济学年会上,这一奖项颁给了Loren Brandt, Aloysius Siow, Hui Wang。他们的这篇文章研究了中国农村父母是如何平衡对子女的投资,比如说教育投资少的孩子可能会获得更多的婚礼等投资。
Loren Brandt, Aloysius Siow, Hui Wang. Compensating for unequal parental investments in schooling[J]. Journal of Population Economics, 2015, 28(2): 423-462.
This paper investigates how rural families in China use marital and post-marital transfers to compensate their sons for unequal schooling expenditures. Using a common behavioral framework, we derive two methods for estimating the relationship between parental transfers and schooling investments: the log-linear and multiplicative household fixed-effects regression models. Using data from a unique household-level survey, we strongly reject the log-linear specification. Results from the multiplicative model suggest that when a son receives 1 yuan less in schooling investment than his brother, he obtains 0.47 yuan more in transfers as partial compensation. Since our measure of transfers represents a substantial fraction of total parental transfers, sons with more schooling likely enjoy higher lifetime consumption. Redistribution within the household may be limited by either the parents’ desire for consumption equality or bargaining constraints imposed by their children. Controlling for unobserved household heterogeneity and a fuller accounting of lifetime transfers are quantitatively important.
Household model; Parental investment; Marriage market; Transfers